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Navigating Nuptial Agreements: A Positive Journey Post Radmacher v Granatino

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In the wake of the groundbreaking Supreme Court verdict in Radmacher v Granatino [2010] UKSC 42, the landscape surrounding nuptial agreements, spanning pre-nuptial, post-nuptial, and separation agreements, has experienced a notable evolution within financial remedy cases.

Within the realm of divorce proceedings, challenges to nuptial agreements often orbit around four pivotal areas:

  1. The absence of legal counsel
  2. Incomplete financial disclosure
  3. Allegations of coercion and undue influence
  4. Assertions that the agreement fails to address one party's needs adequately.

Recent judicial examinations, such as Peel J's scrutiny in HD v WB [2023] EWFC 2, underscore that while legal guidance is highly recommended, its omission does not automatically nullify an agreement. Courts meticulously evaluate whether parties entered into the agreement fully comprehending its ramifications.

Likewise, the mandate for comprehensive financial transparency remains paramount, although its absence alone may not annul an agreement. Recent precedents, such as TRNS v TRNK [2023] EWFC 13, underscore the significance of both parties having access to complete information before reaching decisions.

Allegations of undue influence must meet a rigorous burden of proof, as demonstrated in MN v AN [2023] EWHC 613 (Fam), where the court stressed the necessity of a clear cooling-off period preceding agreement signatures.

Despite the customary guideline dictating that agreements be formalised at least 28 days before the wedding, courts acknowledge exceptions, as evidenced in the case of HD v WB.

Ultimately, courts evaluate whether agreements adhere to Radmacher criteria and function equitably based on all pertinent factors. While challenges may arise, the default presumption is that parties will typically be bound by the terms of a nuptial agreement unless extraordinary circumstances dictate otherwise. This progression signifies a more refined and equitable approach to nuptial agreements within contemporary family law.

It remains imperative to seek specialised legal advice on nuptial agreements to ensure that your financial intentions are accurately documented and deemed fair and reasonable, aligning with the criteria delineated in the landmark case of Radmacher v Granatino.


For legal advice on family law and navigating nuptial agreements, please get in touch.