Child Arrangement Order Solicitors in London

At HPLP, our excellent team of child arrangement order solicitors in London appreciate how stressful and challenging acquiring a child arrangement order can be. When both parents want different things for their child, this can heighten what is already likely to be an emotionally difficult time.

A child arrangement order establishes where a child will live, how much time they will spend with each parent and the types of contact they will have with their parents. Enlisting expert guidance is crucial to ensure any child arrangement order represents what’s best for your family.

Our experienced team of contact arrangement order lawyers have extensive experience successfully helping clients achieve the best outcome for their children.

We are dedicated to offering a bespoke service, taking into account even the finest details to ensure that you can leave a dispute confident in the knowledge that the correct measures are in place for your children.

Speak to our child arrangement order solicitors in London today

Contact our expert child arrangement order lawyers in London today by calling 03300 250176 or by using the contact form on this page.

Click to check out our family law services and our specialist child law solicitors. For queries, please email

How our child arrangement order solicitors can help you

Applying for a child arrangement order

Applying for a child arrangement order can be a complex and stressful process. We appreciate the challenges that court proceedings can bring to a family and will provide the empathetic, practical guidance necessary to ensure your child arrangement order is acquired with minimal stress.

As part of the process, you will be required to attend an MIAM to assess whether the issue can be resolved without litigation. At HPLP, our solicitors specialise in alternative dispute resolution methods and will provide sensitive advice to give you the best chance of reaching a solution without court proceedings.

We can assist you in applying for a child arrangement order and provide the best evidence to ensure that your child receives the outcome from the process that really puts their well-being first.

Amending a child arrangement order

For a court to allow an amendment to a child arrangement order, you must demonstrate that the child’s living circumstances are different to when the arrangement was first entered into.

The following examples could be robust enough reasons to constitute amendments being made:

  • One of the parents may have moved house
  • Change in the health of the parents or child
  • Welfare concerns about either parent or child
  • The wishes of the child change

If you wish to make an amendment based on one of these criteria or one that is similar, it is vital that you have the best evidence to support your case.

At HPLP, our child arrangement order solicitors in London have vast experience ensuring that changes to child arrangement orders allow children to flourish moving forward. Rest assured that our services will prioritise what’s best for your child and provide the best solution for your future.

Representation when obtaining a child arrangement order

While reaching a child arrangement outside of court is preferable, this is unfortunately not always possible. In the event that litigation is necessary, we will provide staunch representation in court.

We have extensive connections with leading barristers and professionals, and our comprehensive experience in the field means you can rely on us to create a compelling case, no matter your personal circumstances.

Financial support for child arrangement orders

A compulsory term of a child arrangement order is the stipulation requiring parents to financially support their child. However, this is not always straightforward, and options exist to make this easier in some circumstances.

You may be able to acquire a Child arrangement order allowance from your local council or claim one-off payments under Section 17 of the Children’s Act. Furthermore, various government benefits such as Child Benefit or Universal Credit can help with the costs of day-to-day living.

At HPLP, we can help you put together the most robust case to give you the best chance of getting the financial support needed to ease the financial burden of childcare.

Child arrangement orders FAQs

What is a child arrangement order?

A child arrangement order is a court order that dictates each parent has responsibilities over their child or children. This includes where they will live, who they live with, and the amount and type of contact parents have with their children.

A child arrangement order is most often used when parents cannot agree on these arrangements. It is the next stage if parents do not agree on a parenting plan.

How do I apply for a child arrangement order?

It is essential that you consider the emotional strain that applying for a Court order can have on a family. The first stage is a mandatory mediation information assessment meeting (MIAM), where you must display an intention to resolve issues around your children through resolution methods such as mediation and negotiation.

Resolution through mediation is a cheaper, less confrontational option that is likely to preserve relationships more successfully than court proceedings. Nevertheless, if mediation is unsuccessful, an application to the Court for a Child Arrangement should be made.

Until an agreement is reached, court proceedings will involve a Children’s and Family Reporter (Cafcass officer) to determine the best outcome for the child's welfare. If the parents cannot agree on an outcome at any stage of the proceedings, the court will issue a child arrangement order.

Is a child arrangement order legally binding?

A child arrangement order is legally binding. If one of the involved parties breaches the order, consequences will be enforced, which may include fines, a Contact Enforcement Order, or jail time in exceptional circumstances.

Child arrangement orders are binding until the child turns 16 unless otherwise specified. Live-in arrangements are valid until 18, however, they are unlikely to be enforced past 16.

A reasonable excuse to breach a child arrangement order could be if the child is ill and should stay in one place or if there is a transport issue. In the event that you feel a breach has occurred for a legitimate reason, our child arrangement order lawyers in London will be able to ensure you do not receive a penalty.

How long does it take to get a child arrangement order?

The length of time needed to acquire a child arrangement order depends on the complexity of the case, usually taking an average of 42 weeks in court.

Nevertheless, if you are able to resolve the case through mediation, it will likely take less time and you will reach a resolution within a few months at the most. 

Who can apply for a child arrangement order?

Any parent of the child, whether they hold parental responsibility or not, can automatically apply for a child arrangement order. Grandparents and others who meet the relevant criteria, such as if the child has lived with them for at least 12 months, can also apply.

If the criteria are not met, it is still possible to apply for a child arrangement order if one first applies to the court for permission to lodge an application. If the court deems this application to hold merit, you can then apply for a child arrangement order.

What is child residence?

Child residence refers to agreeing upon where a child will live, how much time they will spend with each parent, and the types of contact permitted with parents. In essence, child residence and child arrangement orders are the same regarding what they dictate.

Before 2014, a child residence order (or custody order) stipulated the above criteria. Since 2014, these have been replaced with child arrangement orders. Nevertheless, residence orders made prior to 2014 are still upheld.

What custody arrangement is best for a child?

There is no ‘best’ custody arrangement for a child. Instead, the court will assess the situation based on the parents' lives to make an informed decision that they deem will be most beneficial to the child’s welfare.

Courts consider the following criteria when deciding on a child arrangement order, including:

  • The child’s needs and desires if they are old enough to communicate
  • The parents’ circumstances and ability to provide a good quality of life for the child
  • The child’s relationship with each parent
  • The parents’ commitment and personalities

Do you get financial support with a child arrangement order?

Various types of financial support are available with a child arrangement order, depending on your circumstances. Our expert child arrangement solicitors can help you assess whether you may be eligible and what is best for your circumstances.

Speak to our child arrangement order solicitors in London today

Contact our expert child arrangement order lawyers in London today by calling 03300 250176 or by using the contact form on this page.

Click to check out our family law services and our specialist child law solicitors. For queries, please email