International Divorce Solicitors in London

A divorce can be challenging at the best of times, and this can be exacerbated when the two parties live in different countries or no longer live where they were married.

An international divorce can present additional challenges to a local divorce, including financial burdens, issues around child arrangements, and marriages not always being recognised in different countries.

At HPLP, we have years of experience resolving these issues and ensuring that our clients’ divorces are smooth and representative of their wishes.

Our international divorce solicitors in London also have vast experience in dealing with complex divorce cases, such as for high-net-worth individuals or where foreign property or finances are involved.

Some of the international divorce services that we offer include:

  • Which country to start divorce proceedings in
  • International divorce and finances
  • International arrangements for children.

For other queries, please refer to our divorce solicitors in London or our family law solicitors in London.

Speak to our international divorce solicitors in London today

Contact our expert international divorce lawyers in London now by calling 0330 025 0176. Alternatively, please use the contact form on this page for a prompt response.

For other queries, please refer to our divorce solicitors in London or our family law solicitors in London.

How our international divorce solicitors in London can help you

Which country to start divorce proceedings in

In recent years, the UK has followed a ‘no-fault’ divorce process, meaning neither party has to accept liability for the relationship breakdown. This has made the divorce process more straightforward and less costly in the UK.

Nevertheless, it may be more convenient for you to pursue a divorce in another country. As long as you and/or your spouse are connected to the country, and the country legally recognises your marriage (for instance, you cannot get divorced in a country where same-sex marriage is illegal if you are a same-sex couple), you will usually be able to get a divorce.

It is essential to consult an expert solicitor if you are uncertain about the circumstances of your divorce. At HPLP, our specialist divorce lawyers in London will ensure that you enter divorce proceedings in a country that will allow the process to be as streamlined as possible.

International divorce and finances

The financial settlement of a divorce will be tied to the laws of the country you get divorced in. In the UK, finances are divided depending on what is fair for each party, but not all countries operate using this principle.

It is advisable to seek legal advice as early into the proceedings as possible to ensure the outcome of your divorce meets the needs of both parties.

Our team of foreign divorce solicitors will help you achieve the desired outcome, including in cases involving international property and foreign bank accounts.

International arrangements for children

The prospect of splitting your family across countries can be incredibly daunting regarding arrangements and finances for your children.

It may be that one partner wishes for their children to live with them on the other side of the world. Different countries will also have varied laws regarding child support, contact arrangements and residency.

At HPLP, our international divorce lawyers in London will provide bespoke advice for your situation to ensure that your children are secure moving forward.

We appreciate the emotional turmoil that the prospect of your children living in another country can cause. We will deliver a solution that ensures their best interests are met.

International Divorce FAQs

How does international divorce work?

Both you and your spouse must pass the legal requirements of the country you are divorcing in to proceed. The law in the UK for foreign marriages specifies that you must either pass a residency test or be domiciled there to divorce.

It is essential to know that you meet the recognition of foreign divorce in a country before beginning divorce proceedings, so seeking the advice of an international divorce solicitor is vital if you are unsure of your position.

Can you be divorced in one country and married in another?

In the UK, the court usually has the ability to grant a divorce for a marriage or civil partnership registered abroad. However, certain circumstances can complicate this, including:

  • A lack of marriage certificate.
  • A marriage certificate not written in English.
  • If the UK does not recognise the marriage as legal.
  • If the couple does not have a connection with the UK.

Understanding your rights is crucial to avoiding spending money unnecessarily. Our team of international divorce lawyers at HPLP will provide practical advice to ensure your divorce is straightforward and stress-free so you can concentrate on your future.

How do you divorce a spouse who is in a foreign country?

The law for divorcing a spouse in a foreign country differs by country, meaning it is vital to seek legal guidance before proceeding if you are unsure of the law. In England and Wales, however, a divorce can be granted when one party is living in a foreign country, provided that one of the following criteria is satisfied:

  • The respondent to the divorce is a resident of England or Wales.
  • The applicant is a resident of England or Wales.
  • Either party is domiciled in England or Wales.
  • Both parties were last habitually resident in England or Wales and one of them still resides there.

For more clarity on this potentially complex situation, please consult one of our international divorce lawyers, who will be sure to provide you with a practical solution.

How long does an international divorce take?

There is no standard answer to this question. However, a rough estimate may be between nine and twelve months. There are many factors which could lengthen this process, including:

  • High net worth parties.
  • Complex assets.
  • Children.
  • Cases where one party has returned to their home country.
  • Document issues, such as where a marriage certificate isn’t in the correct language.
  • Applying for divorce in a country where a marriage is not recognised.

It is vital to consult an expert to fully understand any potential complications before taking matters further. At HPLP, our divorce lawyers in London will evaluate all factors present in a divorce case to ensure you are in the best position moving forward with your divorce.

How much does international divorce cost?

This will vary by country, with each country charging variable fees. In the UK, current divorce costs are £550 if you proceed through the court. It may be advantageous to divorce in another country if their costs are cheaper.

Our foreign divorce solicitors at HPLP promise a fully transparent approach and will provide an overview of all of your costs prior to beginning work.

Speak to our international divorce solicitors in London today

Contact our expert international divorce lawyers in London now by calling 0330 025 0176. Alternatively, please use the contact form on this page for a prompt response.

For other queries, please refer to our divorce solicitors in London or our family law solicitors in London.